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The Saskatoon Colostrum Company Ltd.’s (“SCCL”) Continuing Education Courses (the “Courses”), and all related informational material and content including, without limitation, SCCL’s e-newsletter and display pages (“Related Content”) which appear on or any of its subdomains or are otherwise provided to users, are provided on an “AS IS” basis and are intended for general consumer understanding and education only. Any access to the Courses or Related Content is voluntary and at the sole risk of the user. SCCL makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the Courses or Related Content. If the user is dissatisfied with the Courses or Related Content, the user’s sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue using the Courses and site. Nothing contained in the Courses or Related Content should be considered, or used as a substitute for, veterinary medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The information provided on the website is for educational and informational purposes only and is not meant as a substitute for professional advice from a veterinarian or other professional. Courses and Related Content are designed to educate consumers on general colostrum benefits that may affect their animal’s daily lives. This site and its Courses do not constitute the practice of any veterinary medical or other professional veterinary health care advice, diagnosis or treatment. SCCL disclaims liability for any damages or losses, direct or indirect, that may result from use of or reliance on information contained within the Courses or Related Content. Although access to the Courses and Related Content is open to worldwide users, SCCL is organized under the laws of Canada. Therefore, the terms of this disclaimer shall be governed by the laws of Saskatchewan, Canada as to the interpretation, validity and effect of this disclaimer notwithstanding and without giving effect to any conflict of laws provisions of your domicile, residence or physical location. You agree to submit to the jurisdiction of Saskatchewan. SCCL advises consumers to always seek the advice of a veterinarian, veterinary specialist or other qualified veterinary health care provider with any questions regarding an animal’s health or medical conditions. Never disregard, avoid or delay in obtaining medical advice from your veterinarian or other qualified veterinary health care provider because of something you have read on this site.

The Colostrum Counsel

The Colostrum Counsel – What Is A Veterinary Biologic And Why Is It An Important Designation?

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Most of SCCL’s products are designated as “Veterinary Biologics”. This important classification ensures that our products meet the highest regulatory standards placed upon colostrum products globally.

What is a Veterinary Biologic?

Veterinary Biologics are typically defined as “animal health products such as vaccines, antibody products, and in vitro diagnostic test kits that are used for the prevention, treatment, or diagnosis of infectious diseases in animals”. Veterinary Biologics specifically stimulate or involve an immunologic response to infectious disease(s) unlike Veterinary Drugs which have a different mode of action. Bovine dried colostrum may be categorized as a Veterinary Biologic, Feed or Feed Additive depending on what country the product is registered or sold in; however, because SCCL manufactures our bovine dried colostrum products in Canada, we are regulated by the Canadian Food Inspection (CFIA), Canadian Centre for Veterinary Biologics (CCVB). Bovine colostrum is sold only as a Veterinary Biologic in Canada and must comply with the regulations and standards for Veterinary Biologics regardless of whether SCCL sells in Canada or exports our calf, lamb and goat products around the world. As a Veterinary Biologic, bovine colostrum is categorized as an antibody product (specifically, Bovine Immunoglobulin G or Bovine IgG) with the claim to “aid in the prevention of failure of passive transfer (FPT)” in newborn calves, lambs or goats.

How is the designation earned?

The facility manufacturing the Veterinary Biologic AND each product produced by the facility requires licensing by the CFIA-CCVB. Facility or Establishment Licenses and Product Licenses are required to be renewed on an annual basis once initial approval is granted. To gain licensure, a comprehensive application must be submitted, reviewed and approved by the CFIA-CCVB that proves each product meets the requirements of purity, potency, safety and efficacy in the target species and according to the label’s directions before the product can be sold or distributed in Canada or exported around the world. The manufacturing facility or establishment must undergo a comprehensive on-site inspection including contract facilities that are used for testing, packaging, storage or contract manufacturing of the finished product. This establishment pre-licensing inspection is performed the CFIA-CCVB, and physical and administrative inspections are also required on an on-going basis of the licensed establishment and their contracts to maintain both Establishment and Product licenses. Currently, SCCL is inspected by the CFIA-CCVB at a minimum of every 12 months.

What criteria do Veterinary Biologic products need to meet to earn it?

Colostrum as a Veterinary Biologics must meet requirements to ensure that it is pure or free from defined micro-organisms with specific specifications or limits and with tests approved by the regulatory authority; that it is potent and the active ingredient or Bovine IgG is functional and present at the indicated amount that has been proven to be effective; that it is safe to use in the target species and should not cause unwarranted reactions; and that it is effective and provides the protection or benefit that is expected and stated by the approved claim when used as directed. Each of the purity, potency, safety and efficacy of a Veterinary Biologic must be proven to the regulatory authority prior to licensing by submitting robust research data, test results and observations that are reviewed by the regulatory authority and measured against a defined set of standards or requirements.


Manuel F. Chamorro, DVM, MS, PhD, DACVIM
Assistant Professor of Livestock and Field Service, College of Veterinary Medicine, Kansas State University, and Technical Veterinary Consultant, SCCL

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